Monday, December 1, 2014

A Perfect Week of Weather

This morning as I chopped a bit of ice on the first day of December, I gave thanks again for the wonderful weather last week.  The weather was truly perfect this past week, and I do mean perfect.  All glory goes to our Heavenly Father, Creator of heaven and earth.  He gave us precisely what we needed and the last day of the week began with a glorious sunset as we headed into Shabbat.  The daylight hours were a beautiful combination of sunshine and perfect temperature, in the upper sixties.  Although we had a windy few days, the temperature remained warm until last evening.

And now, the recap of the week.  None other than our very own weather guy, Gerry Davis rolled into Goshen just after last Sabbath.  He didn't get to see much that evening, but the next morning, even with an overcast sky, it was only hoodie weather.   The fellowship was a delightful blessing and his photos are good, as always.

Monday the Goshen Gazette rolled off the presses with temperatures a bit cooler but still well above freezing.  Daddy called Tuesday morning to tell me about his deer and make plans.  Interestingly, I was enjoying weather in the low fifties, but the temperatures in his area were forecasted to range between upper 20s and low 40s.  Perfect weather for aging venison.  We made arrangements for Friday and although windy, the temperature couldn't have been better.  The meat was still cold, but my hands remained warm with the outdoor temp around 60.  That was the most pleasant and efficient processing, I can remember.  Usually we have to take breaks just to warm our hands.  This was no small white tail!

By the time the phone rang regarding my daughter's ETA, the venison was in the freezer and the kitchen was back to "normal."  We had to protect little ears from the wind, but the temperature was perfect for enjoying the evening outdoors. 

The sunset leading into Shabbat was glorious.

 Although we decided a Sabbath picnic probably wouldn't be such a good idea in the wind, as trying to keep food on our plates outdoors would turn into work.  We did spend a wonderful day enjoying the beautiful weather.  Just under 70° the 29th of November.  HalleluYah!   Except for the service time and meals, we were outdoors all day.


In the midst of all this wonderful weather and great outdoors, I was blessed to speak the Aharonic blessing over this precious little girl!

What a blessing it is to personally know the Master of the wind.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Snow and Darkness

Across much of the country, the temperature has dropped, and there is white stuff on ground.  I wasn't ready to say the "S" word, just yet.  The change of seasons are truly inspiring, though, so I can't complain about that.   When first relocating to this area, I was shocked to see men in Carhart jackets when the temperature was hovering around 50°.  I had lived about 250 miles farther north, so 50° weather meant long sleeves and maybe a light jacket in the car. . . just in case it got cooler.  Now, that I have filed the receipt for my tenth year of real estate and property taxes in this SWMO county, I have assimilated to the area.

Now at 60°, I need a jacket, long sleeves are simply not enough.  Anything below 45° just requires a coat, gloves, and boots.  I used to wear my sandals until the temperature dropped below 40°, but no more.  As I checked all the water tubs this morning I thought of how we just adapt to gradual change, in most areas of life.  Ten years was certainly not sudden, but I have literally changed in that timeframe.  I'm so thankful to have a nice heavy chore jacket, and I do have a winter coat that needs to be donated next trip to town.  Comparatively speaking, I'm also quite thankful for pretty mild winters and so grateful to not have to drive in winter traffic. 

I do have one complaint today, however.  As the seasons change, of course the amount of daylight hours change as well.  Homesteading truly affords the opportunity to enjoy the spring evenings as they lengthen into summer nights.  There is also a crisp serenity as summer fades into autumn and then . . . the first weekend of November darkness falls suddenly, in the afternoon!  The first two weeks of November, I've found myself ready to go to bed before nine o'clock at night.  I desperately try to endure until 10, because I don't want to begin the day at 3am, waiting for the rooster to wake up and crow.  

My bedtime is now dark-thirty!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Why These Names?

Is it possible that last year's harsh winter and the projected one this year have something to do with "honoring" false gods in the recent decision to name winter storms?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Severe Storm

Our weather man, Gerry is actually out in this weather situation, so I am here at the editor's desk listening to the wind rustling the tender green leaves of spring.  Actually it's more than rustling, it's more than whistling, while not quite howling.  I had an interesting conversation with Gerry, Friday that really stirred my thinking.  As you have probably already ascertained from the beginning of this paragraph, I am not a weather person.  He is a weatherman.  He has a completely different perspective and excitement, if you will, about this severe weather business.  He sees the grandeur as the storms form, I see the aftermath.  It's not exactly the glass half full, half empty perspective, but our views were definitely not on the "same page" in the conversation.

As I spoke with him Friday evening, he said the severe weather was about 48 hours out.  I told him, the animals behavior indicated the same thing.  For me, inclement weather means preparation and hatches battened down.  For Gerry, it means hitting the road with video equipment and phone.  Having forty-eight hours to prepare, with one of those 24 hour periods being Shabbat was a blessing, I believe.  I didn't run around starting a bunch of new projects, I simply made sure the emergency candle basket was accounted for, and the critters all had extra food.  It's interesting what YHWH created in these animals, in that they sense ahead of time the weather will be prohibitive for grazing, so before a storm, they eat and eat and eat . . .

Of course I'll be glad to have Gerry's weather reports again, but I'm hoping many of the images are "pretty cloud" pictures and rainbows.  For the next few weeks, we will be sharing various memories of past storms, and hopefully, no current ones, but there is no doubt, storms are inevitable.  Make the preparations that are needed, take the precautions that are wise, and then if you know the Master of the wind, fear not.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Gerry Davis is on vacation this week, possibly spotting next week's article.  In our non-mainstream style,  rather than a letter to the editor we'll share a letter from the editor.

Dear Governor of Oklahoma,

I realize you are a busy woman, so I'll get right to the point.  Charging a fee for those who are smart enough to utilize G-d given solar and wind is out of your jurisdiction and clearly over your head!   How can you charge a fee for something you do not provide?  Charging a fee for using the wind or sun is akin to a rainbow tax!  I realize this is aimed exclusively at those who sell their power back to the power company, but seriously, the power company has to buy power somewhere.   I realize nobody is buying a bucket or box of electricity and I'm not sure I understand the arrangement of buying energy, but it is the claim of the Grid Companies.  Why not buy local?  When I first read the article linked below, the refrain of a song came to mind.  It's a Gaither song.  "I Know the Master of the Wind."

 I know the Master of the wind, I know the Maker of the rain 

He can calm the storm, make the sun shine again,

I know the Master of the wind

This sounds like an open invitation for a dust bowl . . . You, of all states, should know better.
