Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Fruit Bowl or Fruit Basket Upside Down?

Upon completing a nine week study of the fruits of the Spirit, I learned quite a bit. I simply cannot get that statement said by YHWH, out of my heart. "We don't see the gifts because He doesn't see the fruit." It is a "natural progression" of supernatural order. We, as children, are often guilty of desiring HIS presents, rather than HIS presence. Since we walk out our own salvation, I'm guessing each of us does not express the fruit of the Spirit in exactly the same way. I think I learned, probably more than I was able to put in writing, so here's my review and report. The very first thing I have learned is when we want something from YHWH, we will be presented with opportunity to use it . . . or need it! So the next revelation followed. The fruit of the Spirit cannot be produced in my strength. Next, came the confirmation from social media . . . Being "G-dly" gets talked about a lot, but most folks "cherry pick" their issues. Cherry picking is not our option and fruit inspecting is not our responsibility, regardless of who claims otherwise. That is not to say we are to just accept everything, but I have discovered the works of the flesh don't really want to be next to the fruit of the Spirit very long. Fruit is for the most part, sweet. I believe that's why the metaphor was used. There are a few sour fruits and we see that evidenced in the spiritual metaphor as well. There are religious sour grapes and a few gooseberries, but for the most part, fruit is recognized as sweet. When the Spirit of Elohim controls our spirit, our demeanor will be sweet as well, not sugary and not syrupy, but sweet. I don't know about everyone else, but being sweet natured isn't my natural leaning. I'm not necessarily sour by nature, just matter of fact; leaning toward distant or sometimes even indifferent. Indifference is not acceptable in a believer's life. Often acceptance without great emotional display is called for, but not indifference. Hate is not the opposite of love, indifference is, and love is first in the list of the fruit of the Spirit, so I've been experiencing a spiritual overhaul since this new year in YHWH has begun. I pray others who have been reading these articles have also seen the need for some spiritual realignment. Most of us have been hardened a bit by just surviving this world before we became believers, and it's easy to become hardened or callous toward some things that are going on around us. Y'hshuwah's parable of the soil reveals stoniness or hardness impedes the goodness of YHWH from taking proper root. Shallow roots do not produce beautiful sweet fruit. It is also easy to get caught up and bogged down in the cares of the world and riches, which Y'hshuwah referred to as thorns. We all are aware that the bad news is continuing to dominate our awareness, while covetousness is expanding even in the body. As a gardener, I can tell you, thorns are no fun to pull and they certainly impede the growth of the seeds I plant. It takes serious maturity for seeds to actually bear produce . . . Which brings us to good soil, a loving heart. In the natural, even good soil, is just soil, dust if you will, which is exactly where seeds are planted! My understanding has now bloomed to the point of accepting my call to a fuller awareness which is allowing YHWH to produce the fruit in each of us, unto Himself and spiritually we become the vessels He uses. So, naturally, we're dirt, but spiritually; we are vessels. So not only is YHWH the vinedresser, He is also the potter. He determines the fruit and He fashions the vessel for His use at His time. It's getting easier to envision and be loving as I picture each of us as different "containers" for fruit. Some are colanders, some are bowls, some are baskets, and some aspire to be compotes. Ours is not to concern ourselves with which vessel we are, or if He chooses to refashion us, but merely holding the fruit of the Spirit . . . A colander is used in conjunction with water, living water for refreshing and preparation. It's up to YHWH to do the straining . . . Bowls are for service and portions. YHWH determines the occasion. Baskets are for gathering, YHWH determines the harvest and compotes can be ornamentally useful, making fruit readily available for all those who come to the table. Not all compotes, however; contain fruit of HIS Spirit. The love of G-d in our hearts, is what causes the seeds to grow and what transforms clay to vessels. The true love of His Spirit, doesn't argue to be right, nor does it condemn. Peter tells us YHWH is not willing that any should perish, and Peter also tells us to be ready with an answer when someone asks. If someone isn't asking, they probably aren't ready to listen . . . We love them anyway, because YHWH loves them and HE loved us before we were paying attention or listening, too! Love for YHWH means we allow HIS Spirit to use us to love others. John said it very clearly and concisely Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of G-d; and every one that loves is born of G-d, and knows G-d. He that loves not knows not G-d; for G-d is love. I John 4:8-9

1 comment:

  1. There is so much to be said about the simple beauty of sharing a Fruit Bowl
